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Please see below several useful leaflets, posters and resources giving an outline of what we all can do to ensure the safety of our children online.

As part of the school's commitment to E-safety - all staff have been trained in how to safely use the web and regular lessons will be held for all children to encourage them to safely use the internet.


Safer Internet Day 2024


Tuesday 6th February 2024 - 'Join together for a better internet.'


During the week of 5th February 2024, St Gilberts children and staff worked together on this year's theme. Classes took part in assemblies and activities which got them thinking about how they can make a positive change to the way we communicate with each other online. We linked Safer Internet week to Children's Mental Health Week, which fell at the same time and had a corresponding theme of 'My Voice Matters'.


You can watch the 'Be Internet Legends' assembly here:


Keeping Safe Online 

It is vital that children are kept safe online. ThinkUKnow provides useful information about managing online safety in the home and gives practical resources you can use to help children recognise the importance of being safe when using technologies in the home. Please follow the links through to access these resources. 

Get Smart about Smartphones

Ditto Magazine

Ditto Magazine Special Summer Holiday Edition

Chat Guide

Factsheet on Addiction


Parent Guide iPads

Parent Guide iPhones

Parent Guide iPod Touch

Parent Guide Nintendo devices

Parent Guide Playstation devices

Parent Guide XBox and Xbox 360

Social Networking Parent Leaflet

TiKTok guide to privacy

Roblox guide

Omegle Parent Guide